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Free AI Courses from IBM

To get started, create a free account on IBM's SkillsBuild learning portal.


All of the following free AI courses require that you have created an account and logged in before you'll be able to access them. 


The following are just a sample of the many courses and learning plans available on the IBM SkillsBuild portal.

In this learning plan, you'll explore AI's history, and then see how it can change the world. Along the way, you'll deep dive into ways that AI makes predictions, understands language and images, and learns using circuits inspired by the human brain. After a hands-on simulation in which you build and test a machine-learning model, you'll finish with tips on how to find your career in AI.

You might already know that some AI systems can understand human language, identify visual images, and even create original art. But do you know how these systems do it? In this course, you'll explore the theory of natural language and vision processing and learn how these technologies drive real-world mechanisms such as chatbots and photo analysis.

In this course, you'll practice creating an AI machine learning model in a series of simulations, using IBM Watson Studio. This is hands-on time that can help you do actual work with AI.

Less than a century old, AI has already undergone three waves of transformative development. Today it gives humanity the most powerful tools for analyzing complex data, not only to find meaning but also to learn without human intervention. In this course, you'll survey AI's history and explore ways that it can shed light on unstructured data.

In this course, you'll see how machines can learn and make amazing, evidence-based predictions. Explore the logic behind computers' ability to learn, then investigate new ways that AI systems inspired by neurons in the human brain can solve difficult problems.

You might have heard about problems that arise when AI systems misinterpret data or propose solutions that reflect human prejudice. This is the course I talked about above. Through real-world examples you'll learn about AI ethics, how they are implemented, and why AI ethics are so important in building trustworthy AI systems.

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